Thanksgiving is big in my family - everyone comes over, there's enough food to feed an army, so on and so forth. It all starts about 5am in my house, with my mom cooking away, and I join her shortly after. We watch the Macy's parade as we cook, and before long, people are at our door. Then the fun ensues: lots of laughing, food on food on food, and the annual Wii Bowling Tournament. Really it's just about being together, and I love more than anything. It will always mean so much to me.
I had seen on Pinterest a "52 Things I'm Grateful For" tag-type thing that I assume is for Instagram, but the point is to post a picture to fit each week's category for a year. I'll never remember to do that for a year, so I figured I'd share them all here at once and throw in a few pictures where they fit:
1. Why start this challenge? Because it's Thanksgiving, thank you very much.
2. Spouse/significant other I don't have one; I'm enjoying being me, for me.
3. Family I don't want to show them because they may not want to be on the Internet but
trust me, they're the best bunch of weirdos I've ever met.
4. A family member My mom is an angel. I love her to pieces.
5. Something someone gave you When I was little my grandma gave me a giant teddy bear
before she passed away. It still sits on my bedroom floor.
6. The city you live in For privacy I will not be divulging that one, but again, it's the best
in my humble opinion.
7. A friend My cousin is three years younger than me and she is my other half. No one has
seen me like she has and I love her.
8. Express gratitude to 3 people Thank you to my junior year English teacher for
teaching me how to write a kick-butt paper, my best friends for always giving me a
bright side to see, and of course my family, to whom I owe everything.
9. How did you do and feel? I'm guessing this is in reference to #8, but these people all
know and have know for a long time, so it was reaffirming to the universe what
already exists.
10. List 5 things you like about you I like my eyes, my strength, my mom-like nature, my
passion and drive, and my baking skills.
11. Someone who inspires you Once again, my mom. She's Super Woman if there ever was
one, and I can only hope to be like her some day.
12. Your favorite personality trait In myself, my quick wit. In others, compassion.
13. A challenge you've overcome College. Sort of. We're getting there. *shameless plug
for my college post*
14. A talent you have I'm uber crafty, so I can make just about anything. 15. Things you like about spring I like the rainy days, Easter, and that feeling that
something good is about to happen that's in the air all season long.
16. Simple things in life Photo albums, warm blankets and candles on cold nights,
watching recorded TV shows with my family... I could go on and on.
17. Something you take for granted I try not to take anything for granted, but I know I
take my family for granted more than I should.
18. The weather It's chilly and supposed to rain tonight.
19. Health I got some stitches out last week, so other than that I'm pretty good.
20. Another friend My best friend from high school. Yet another person I love to pieces.
21. Things you like about summer I like the Fourth of July, all the family birthdays, and
the anticipation for school in August.
22. Something you use every day The easiest thing to say is my phone. Especially because
I'm still not home (though I'm counting down the days) it's my lifeline to the people I
love while I'm away.
23. Favorite physical trait Eyes. They say a lot more than the mouth ever could.
24. A book you learned from The Magic Tree House series. Every story took place in a
different time period or setting.
25. Education College freshman
26. Someone you got to meet I met two Broadway stars two summers ago with my a
cappella choir. We were singing for a PR event and they were there, of course.
27. Favorite spot in your city There are so many, but I love little coffee shops (or
Starbucks) that are tucked away from the business right outside.
28. Your past I was a very happy kid, but didn't have any friends until high school, so mostof my childhood was spent with my family, and I'm not complaining. High school was a
blast, and college kind of sucks so far, but I'm working on it. I give life a thumbs up.
29. Your favorite memory There are too many to pick just one, but my trip to Ireland
came to mind pretty quickly.
30. Your current age 1931. Core value Honesty. If you can be honest, everything else flows from that.
32. A city you've visited New Buffalo, Michigan
33. Something you look forward to I always look forward to the holiday season in general,but my family is going to Florida before Christmas and I'm beyond excited.
34. Things you like about fall My birthday borders on summer and fall, and then there's
Halloween, Thanksgiving, cozy sweaters, boots...
35. Your neighborhood Changing, but still feels like home.
36. Your home My best memories are in those walls, and everything about it is perfect in
my eyes.
37. Something you created Recently I've been into arm knitting, so I've been making a lot
of scarves.
38. Music you love I love Christmas music (I'm listening to it as I write this), a cappella
music, some pop songs, and showtunes.
39. Your heritage I'm all kinds of European (Polish, Irish, Welsh, pretty much everything).
40. Greatest accomplishment High school was full of accomplishments I'm proud of, but I
received an award that was essentially the "right-hand man" award of our fine arts
department, which meant a lot.
41. Hobbies Singing, baking, crafting, etc. I'm basically a Disney house wife.
42. Your favorite possession This one's hard. I have photos everywhere and I love them,
and I also have a necklace and ring make of the rose petals from each of my
grandmothers' funerals. It's like I always have them with me.
43. A mentor/teacher Are you sick of hearing about my mom yet? Because it's her. Again.
44. Your favorite holiday I love the simplicity of Thanksgiving - no focus on the presents of
Christmas, but I adore Christmas as much as Buddy the Elf, if not more.
45. What you do for fun Well I'm a grandma in a young adult's body, so I bake, knit, meet
friends at old-timey soda fountains, etc.
46. Technology I'm not sure what this means, so I guess I'll say what I like about it. I like
how it has the power to connect people who wouldn't have a way to connect
47. Opportunities you've been given There are so many and I'm grateful for all of them.
My a cappella group sang everywhere - Ireland, the local news and radio, a
Broadway PR event... Just to name a few.
48. Your job I was just hired at a local bakery.
49. Things you like about winter I'm one of those odd beings who loves winter. I love the
snow, festive Starbucks drinks, and feeling warm and fuzzy all season long. And
Christmas. I love Christmas.
50. Lessons learned this year You are in charge of your own life and nobody can controlthat, and the people who are meant to be in your life will stay in it despite changes
that may come.
51. 100 Things to be thankful for Oh goodness. We have to be close with the first 50.
52. Did that challenge change you? I don't know if it changed me, but it definitely gave me
the chance to reflect on the things that I often overlook.
I wish you all the best,
PS: If you made it to the end of that, you're the real champ and I'm thankful for you, too.
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